Sunday, June 06, 2004

The X Factor

I have an appointment with God of death. 
Know it is certain, but know not when. 
This is one appointment I can’t cancel 
Come what may when the call comes through. 

Can’t tell my secretary to put Him on hold 
Saying “I’m busy in a meeting for the next hour”. 
 Neither can I complete my power lunch with 
The visitor from abroad at the posh restaurant. 

He means business. I mean, God of Death! 
His meter does not stop nor tolerate delay. 
Can’t even kiss my sweet daughter at the 
Dining table as He gently nudges me out. 

No way, he can tolerate delay on any count. 
If it’s time to go, you better go. 
 It’s unusual that I can’t fix my own 
Appointment with Him. It’s He who fixes! 

‘Take it or leave it’ is perhaps his style. 
Who the hell is He to decide my exit? 
 Child, my father told before his own exit, 
The appointment is fixed the day you were born. 

I never knew of it. Neither you will know. 
But it’s there that we cannot decipher. 
The Doctor who wrote your birth certificate 
Almost saw the writing on the wall, but seldom read. 

As the nurse cut the umbilical cord linking you with 
Mother saw the same. But did not understand. 
Every night I sit at desk to write X minus one day
On a piece of paper and repeat the exercise daily. 

Till I know the value of X, this meaningless exercise 
Will continue, I tell myself. Mystery is it not? 
Know of any mathematics genius who can solve this 
Puzzle once for all to relieve me from tension? 


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The Dark Room

It is damp and dark
As I roll over
Tangled wire-like stuff,
Kicking and keeling.

No one to my rescue, yet.
Piercing screams through
Parched throat bring no relief.
Written off already?

Cruel, if so.
How I manage in this
Cloistered leather cubicle
God alone knows!

She is restless,
Helpless. Like me.
I feel her, can't see her.
How long? I don't know...

Just a matter of days
Before I see light and life.
This is one room
I can never return to.

She's longing to see me.
So am I.
It is a long wait
In this damp dark room.

I live on hope,
She too.
We're linked,
Yet, not seen.

It will be over soon.
I wait for two things:
A loud scream and
A liplock with you, mother!

Published in, an online fortnightly theme-based webzine

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