Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Glassic stories-1

Bro, can you spare a few sec? .. . Thanks, buddy.

Broken glass. … Did I say broken glass? Rather, I should have said ‘broken glass staircase’. Never mind. But remember, a piece of broken glass staircase may create ripples. Don’t believe? Ask Mark Burstiner. He will tell you a long tale of how he is being hounded by none other than Steve Jobs. Hang on. Not the Apple honcho directly but the world famous innovative company is after Mark’s life.

By the way, what’s his crime, you ask. Nothing, he just picked up a shred of broken glass staircase that was part of Apple’s big store on Fifth Avenue, New York. A few days ago, some visitor/potential buyer of Apple wares dropped something on the spiral glass staircase and broken one of the steps. The contractor quickly replaced the same without a murmur and left the broken glass staircase in the dustbin.

Our hero Mark, a part time employee at the same store, checked out with the contractor whether he could take the discarded glass staircase piece home. They said: go ahead. He precisely did that. He walked away with that broken piece.

Well, now the drama begins. Poor Mark …. No, no. Clever Mark put up the broken glass staircase on e-Bay auction block with a starting bid price of $200. Oops! Apple’s ego is hurt. It called the contractor and asked them to retrieve the broken piece from Mark or else … All these happened almost 18 months ago. Now Apple has woken up.

Want to hear from the horse’s mouse?


Check out this also:

By the way, Mark told Steve Job and company and the contractors to – yes, you’ve guessed rightly – “go to hell”. The broken glass staircase is back on ebay. Want to bid? Rush in, folks. What a ‘glassic’ story!

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